Tag: c#


Introduction This post will walk through how I created a library which implements Cobalt Strike’s External C2 Specification, introduces the ExternalC2.NET NuGet packages, and demonstrates how to use them in a custom third-party controller and client. External C2 Cobalt Strike has the ability to accept third-party command & control, allowing operators to go far beyond

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Backdoor .NET assemblies with… dnSpy 🤔

Placing backdoors in legitimate applications is a good way to achieve persistence, data exfiltration, and if circumstances allow, privilege escalation. Backdooring .NET assemblies is surprisingly easy using an editor such as dnSpy. This post will run through a simplistic scenario where we backdoor a DLL used by a Blazor Server App. I thought this was

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D/Invoke & GadgetToJScript

I’m sure the subject of combining D/Invoke with GadgetToJScript has been written about multiple times; but I wanted to throw my hat into the ring with this post. For those who don’t already know, D/Invoke provides (among other things) a means for dynamically invoking unmanaged APIs without using P/Invoke. GadgetToJScript is a spiritual successor to

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.NET Reflection and Disposable AppDomains

Disclaimer: I didn’t come up with any of the methods or techniques described in this post. I merely glued other people’s work together – like Sharknado and Final Fantasy VIII’s Gunblade, only better. The premise of this post is to better conceal reflection and Assembly.Load() tradecraft in .NET Framework implants. Let’s first have a primer

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